Rock sorting
Nickel degradation
The Big Hole
Salt vaporisation
Die Fachvereinigung Auslandsbergbau und internationale Rohstoffaktivitäten
FAB – in the Association of Raw Materials and Mining e.V., Berlin, is a network of German companies that are active in raw material extraction and related fields abroad or intend to get involved there in the future. The FAB forms the platform for information and exchange of experience about raw material management activities. Due to the expertise of our members with a strong focus on sustainable mining in Germany, the common goal is to apply this experience also in mining abroad. The spectrum ranges from exploration to project development to raw material extraction.

25 January, 2024
Gemeinsam mit der argentinischen Botschaft in Berlin und der Deutschen Rohstoffagentur (DERA) beabsichtigt...

24 May, 2023
Gemeinsam mit der Deutsch-Kasachischen Gesellschaft e.V. hat FAB am 23. Mai eine Vortrags- und Diskussionsveranstaltung...
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